Thursday, February 16, 2012

Building Blogs Nineteen

So here we are in the new house, all settled! With the exception of a few boxes still staring us in the face. We do have the classroom (almost) all unpacked and today got the chalk board up onto the wall, ready to use! Yay!  Now the hard part, keeping the little one from coloring on it so we can use it for you know- school work. :P

First grade seems to be going well. The second half of the year is off to a great start, and the first half ended awesome. My little B ended the last half with an awesome score, I am very proud of her.  Her reading skills are amazing and she has earned the nickname "human GPS" for her need to read every road sign we pass. :)

Today we did a math assessment with her teacher, and learned that she favors addition over subtraction.  That of course is nothing out of the norm and is something we can work with over time.  She does however favor math and science over reading and writing.. Well, I guess it's safe to say, she doesn't get that from good ole' mom. haha!