It's been a while since I've wrote here. Things have been very busy. At some points, I believe my sanity even ran away and hid without me. Then, when I sit down and just think about what all has happened in the past few months, I become grateful that we're still alive and well.
We had our first experiences with online school planning and dealing with doctor's appointments and funerals. It really didn't go that bad. You see, that is the some of the beauty I am finding with this school option. Not only were we able to work through our personal times, but we were able to flex our schedule so that we did not have to take any time off either.
I must say for myself, the hardest part is remembering to log on and record the attendance. But I am proud of myself that I have been able to do this, every single day that it was needed. Now I know, that if I can do this, anyone can.
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